Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I am now 2 weeks old. My Mum and Dad cannot believe how fast the time has gone and how much I have grown and changed already!
I have been spending lots of time at home, hanging out with my big sister (she gives me lots of kisses and brings me special things)
and with my Grandma too. Grandma has gone home now and we all miss her very much. We can't wait to see her again.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


It has been very wild and windy down here, so we have all had to spend some time inside keeping cosy.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


This week Grandma has been staying with us. She loves to hang out with Sam and I. I have been teaching her how to "dig, dig, dig" and Sam has been telling her lots of little stories.
In between all of these, and lots of other adventures Grandma has been helping Mama and Daddy with all the jobs. We are all very lucky!

Monday, March 12, 2007


Well my first week in the world has been very busy - I have met all these people who love me and want to spend time with me.

My big sister Kate likes to hop down on the mat with me and bring toys to me, she even shares her special 'Caseys' for me to have a turn with. Our Mum is finding it difficult to get a picture of us both together though because one or other of us is usually not interested in playing along!

My Dad gives me lots of cuddles. He is pretty cool because he can fit both Kate and I on his knee together. This is my Nana. She was staying with us when I first came home from the hospital, to help look after Kate and I. She is lovely. I met my Grandad on the day I was born too but he had to go home to work the day after.

Monday, March 05, 2007


I am Samuel Edward McGregor but everybody just calls me Sam. I was born on Saturday the 3rd March at 9:52am, weighing 9lb and 5oz (4.245kilos). My Mum and Dad say that I have no excuse at all, for being late as I am such a big healthy boy!
These are pictures of me at the hospital in Invercargill in my wee bed and hanging out with my Dad who has been telling me all about life out here.
Thank you to everyone who have sent my family and I Iovely messages welcoming me into the world. xxx

Friday, March 02, 2007


On Wednesday, we did a lot more gardening and Grandad and I picked up all the autumn leaves and went for rides in the wheelbarrow. Autumn leaves are fun.
Then Yesterday, Daddy took us all for a drive to Riverton. We played on the swings, the slide and the see-saw, and in the sand and sea. I got sand everywhere. It was great. We are having lots of lovely adventures with Nana and Grandad while they are staying.