Monday, July 30, 2007


I have lots of special people who love me and spend time with me. My sister Kate is the coolest - she brings me toys to look at and play with, like this elephants which is my favourite toy. This chair is pretty cool too. I like to sit up straight now when I can, so that I can get a really good look at things.This is my Dad, he is teaching me all sorts of important things, like playing with the remote control and newspaper. He is pretty important to me too.

Friday, July 27, 2007


Every day I help Mummy do the feeding out. We take hay to the "sheepys" and to the cows. Then we get some wood for the fire. It is very tiring work...

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Nana and Grandad gave me this really cool easl for my birthday and this week I have been using it to do lots of paintings. Painting is great fun.
I have also been helping mummy a lot. I like to rinse the dishes for her before she puts them in the dishwasher. Mum thinks that it is just an excuse to get in the water! I LOVE water. I spend most of the day making cups of tea for everyone with water from a bottle. That is my favourtite game at the moment.
Today Sammy and I hung out in our jammies for a long time. Sammy likes to play with the safety pin rattle and I am very good at finding it and giving it to him.
When Mummy went to find us some clothes to wear, I decided to help mum by getting Sam's socks and jammie pants off, all ready for his day clothes.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Its a very busy life when you're two years old.There are phone calls to makeand projects to finish... and all sorts of things to pull out and explore. I am keeping Mum and Dad on their toes with all my latest antics. Sam is getting very clever too.
He loves to jump in his jumper and he has even had his first swing.

Friday, July 06, 2007


Today was my real birthday and now I am 2. It has been a very exciting day and I have been very lucky because I had more balloons, birthday cake and presents.
I even had pizza and pasta salad for my birthday tea - yummy! Thank you to everyone who sent lovely cards, messages and presents. xxx


Last week Jessica bought her Mum and Dad, Grandma and Aunty to come and visit us. Jess and I especially enjoyed dressing up in neclaces, bracelets and sun glasses, and visiting the animals out on the farm.