Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Today I got my haircut. Star cut my hair and she put princess sparkles in for me because I was such a very good girl and sat very still. I got to have a lollipop at the end too. But best of all I went to see my Daddy at work to show him my new hair straight after and when I got home I rang Nana to tell her all about it.
I wore my sunglasses to the hair dressers and to see Daddy. Cool ah?

Sunday, January 27, 2008


For christmas we got a sandpit from Grandma and a pool from Aunty Jaime and Uncle David. Daddy and I went and got the sand for the pit yesterday and the pool arrived in the mail yesterday too! What a great day. We spent all day yesterday in one or other of them.
I think they are "owesime!" and "cool".
Thank you very much Grandma and Aunty Jaime and Uncle Davy.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Today Mummy and I moved the sheep and visited our friend Baby Lamb!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today is Daddy's birthday. We had a birthday party for him. It was very exciting - Sam and I waited and waited for Daddy to come home from work so we could have our birthday dinner and birthday cake.
I sung "Happy Birthday" to Daddy all by myself, then we blew out the candles. Yay!


We are back in Invercargill now and I have been busy learning lots of new tricks.
I really like to be on my feet, so I love to stand up at things and get into lots of mischief.
I can ride the bike now too.
Kate got this cool kitchen for christmas. She spends hours at it making all sorts of things. I think it is really cool to pull all the bits and pieces down from it. She doesn't mind - so far!
It has been very very hot, so Kate has been playing with the hose outside, giving her babies a bath. I can't wait until Mum lets me get hold of that hose!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


We have been staying at Grandma's house again and we've had all sorts of new adventures.
All of our Uncles and Aunties and Emma too, were staying with Grandma. We went up to the windmills together to scatter Granddad Robin's ashes. It was a beautiful sunny day and it was nice to be with everyone. Afterwards we went to Cob and Co for lunch. That was a lot of fun.
Today we have been on the Esplanade train. That was a lot of fun. The train had a cool whistle and afterwards we went to the playground together.