Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lachie is now over 7 months old and he thinks life is pretty exciting really...
Bathing with the big kids,
Sitting up,
and playing with Kate.

Grandma has also been to visit. We all had the best time. Grandma is a groovy member of the band.

Friday, August 07, 2009


Today was Funky Friday at Kindy and all the kids got dressed up. Kate went as a lion... very unusual we all thought. Here she is all ready to go.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Mummy and Lachie have been to Hamilton to visit Aunty Sarah, Uncle Shane and Mackenzie, and to meet their new baby Alex. Mackenzie is a lovely big sister and she looked after Lachie really well.
Aunty Faith and James came to visit them in Hamilton too and gave Mummy a birthday present to bring home to Kate. She loves her Lion King towel and Zebra top.
Aunty Sarah, Uncle Shane, Mackenzie and Alex had a birthday present for Kate too. She has worn her new lion dress up mane and tail since the moment she opened it. It has been slept in and been to Kindy too.

Thank you everyone for your thoughtful presents, they have certainly been a hit!