Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Christmas Tree,A Train Trip and Some Baby Bunnies

Putting up the christmas tree was a lot of fun this year. We are very lucky because Nana and Grandad are getting a real christmas tree for us to decorate when we arrive in Hawera too! Hooray!

Sammy had the time of his life riding on this train with the kids from Playcentre.
This is Mr Hall. He built the train, carriages and track all by himself and in his retirement, occasionally allows groups of people to visit. He has taught his Grandson how to drive and help out.
Sammy started off sitting toward the back of the carriage but by the third time around the circuit, he had managed to get right up behind the driver. Mr Hall noticed his enthusiasm and gave Sam the opportunity to sit right besdide the driver! Sammy put coal in the coal box and blew the whistle too. Wow!

Kate had her first Ballet concert on Saturday. She and her classmates were Baby Bunnies in the tale of Peter Rabbit. It was an amazing exerience for her! The boys were enthralled watching the show, which involved the whole dance school, jazz and ballet girls from 3 to 18. Lachie was quite upset when Mr McGregor sprang after Peter Rabbit into the wings and he called out "Uh oh, Hop Hop, Uh Oh!!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

School Disco and Mischeivous Boys

On Thursday night we all headed off to Kate's school disco, we tried to take some photos of all of the kids together before we left...

When Mummy turned around from the sink, she found 2 boys perched on the end of the bench watching her. The wee rascals.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Kitchen

Just a couple of pics of the new kitchen (walls and foor to come). Lachie and Kate are sitting in one of the cupboards before the shelves were put in.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Great Friends!

We have been able to spend our school holidays with some of our very best friends. Paula, Mat, Jessica and Zach came to say visit from Wellington and Aunty Sarah, Mackenzie and Alex came to stay from Hamilton. Everybody got along really well. It is very quiet at our place now and we miss everyone a lot.
Kate and Mackenzie having some quiet time together.
Lachie (20months) Zach (2years 9months), Sam (3years 7months), Jessica (4years 9months), Mackenzie (4years 3months), Alex (1year 3 months), Kate (5years 2months).

The Mums.

Good friends.

The big girls.

Alex loved living on a farm. Here he is with his favourite toys, the lambs and the tractor!

Milo and Pyjama got lots of love from everyone.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Growing Lambs and Better Weather!

Our weather has finally improved and in the weekend the lambs were able to move outside into their new playpen that the Kids helped Daddy make. Everyone still loves the wee lambs and Mummy doesn't have to feed them at all... so far. We have had them for a week and they are growing well.

The lambs are allowed to play outside with us when we are out there.
Kate thought she'd better take some pictures of Milo and Pyjama too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Milo and Pyjama

Yesterday we went to visit a lady who had orphan lambs for adoption. We were allowed to choose two babies to come and live with us. We chose the smallest ones. Kate named one Milo and Sam called the other one Pyjama. It is still very wild and woolly outside at our house, so our two babies have a wee playpen in the garage. The kids love this and visit all the time.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 2

Today we all got outside for some more sledding, some more snow fights,
and some fun together...

Snow Adventures

By Mid afternoon, the sun had come out and this is what the farm looked like.When we got up on Saturday morning, we had a sprinkling of snow across the lawns but then it started snowing again and that snow just kept on coming. What an adventure for everyone. Later on, the big kids got to get out in it. Lachie was having a wee sleep at the time but it is snowing again today (Sunday), so he'll get his turn today.
Dad whipped up a sled.
Sammy got to make his snow footprints.

Everybody helped to make this wee snowman.

They learnt how to make the best snowballs for throwing and had sled rides.

Hold on Kate!

"Go faster Dad"

The snowball fight was hilarious.

Making a Snow Angel. Brrr!
Later on the sun came out.