Friday, October 14, 2011

Holiday Time

Flynn is 5 months old now and full of new tricks. He is rolling both ways, grabbing toys (and hair) blowing raspberries and generally charming us all. Go the All Blacks.

"I'll look after Flynn while you help Lachie Mum!"

Kate is extemely proud that she has mastered doing a backward flip on the trapeze, by jumping from the group and going around in one movement, then jumping to the ground. She has practised hard!

Flynn's winning smile.

Lachie and his best friend Woowoo.

I love my overalls Tom. Mum lets me wear them a lot. She thinks they're very cute. Ta xx

Hmmm... Sammy asleep with a spare pair of undies on his head. Nobody is really sure why.

Thomas the tank plays soccer.

This is Flynn in the process of rolling from back to tummy. He does it as soon as often as possible.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 2011

Lachie loves to play cafes!Good friends!
Go Argentina! Ready to watch Argentina versus Romania at Rugby Park Invercargill. And what a geat afternoon out it was!


These are the best of the attempts mum had at coordinating a pic of Kate and Sam before they headed off to the school disco.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New tricks and the Rugby World Cup

Flynn has grown so much. He is 4 months and loves to be in the exersaucer.

Kate, Sam and Dad had a ball getting dressed up to go to support Scotland in their world cup game against Romania!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

An Update and photo shoot of Flynn

Kate and Sienna came out of their ballet exams with huge smiles of accomplishment. Well done girls.Align Center

The latest performances have been highland flings over wooden spoons.

Hanging out with Dad.
What do you think Tom. Here's the completed birthday present. Kate is very proud of it.

Mummy's helping boys. We hang out at home together while the big kids are at school and kindy. Lachie and Flynn are great friends.

Flynn is keeping cosy against the frosts.

Flynn is now 16 weeks old. These are some pics of how much he has grown, and some typical expressions, so you can get to know him as he is now. We all think he is pretty gorgeous!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Flynn at 1o weeks. We had Tom, Uncle Si, Bradley and Jack to visit in the school holidays. We had a great time and it was really wonderful to have them. We were all very sad when they went home.

Bradle brought Sam a Southern rugby jersey and team socks. Sammy loves them. We did mention that you need shorts in between but...

Uncle Si was a big hit with everyone and is very talented at getting up wind.

Southland brought the shield home and the kids went to the airport to see them arrive, which was very exciting.

Jack and Flynn.

Jack found a new friend in Lachie during this catch up.

We had an outing to chipmunks.

Bradley loves wee Flynn.

Flynn has a catnap in Aunty Sarah's hammock during the evening. A sleeping angel.

Two good friends. And modelling the rugby jersey!

And then it snowed!
The Naki boys were back inside by the time our snowman was done. Chilly times.

Bradley loved Flynn's world cup outfit.