Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Spring 2012

 Beautiful Daffodils Nana.  They are all out now and look lovely!
 Growing bigger all the time.
 Another show night.
 Hanging out on the couch.
 We can fit 4 kids in this bath... but getting them all to look at the camera at the same time, is a whole other sort of challenge.
 Book character day at school was fantastic.  The kids chose their favourite books and dressed up as a character from it.  Kate was a Dalmation for her "Dog Breeds" book, Sam was Zac Power and Lachie was a pirate.  Not to be left out, Flynn was in for posing for photos too.

 We have gorgeous new pet lambs.  Charlotte gave us two lovely little ewe lambs as it didn't look like we'd have any pets from our own ewes...  Below is Daffodil and Missy.

 And then of course we had to rescue a set of twins from our own flock, so now there are four.  Speedy (with the orange racing stripes, who ran Mum, Dad and Chrissie a merry race when it was time to bring him in) and Nibbler (with no colour).  Flynn loves to watch them all out the window and Kate especially loves to be in the pen with them.

Friday, August 10, 2012

PolyFest 2012

Kate and Sam did a great job performing at PolyFest this morning at Invercargill's Civic Theatre.  
Well Done Sacred Heart School.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

August 2012

 Its lambing time again and we have had some intensive care patients.  This is Rolf, who Mummy 'delivered' and we all attempted to save.  Sadly, he was too sick but the kids loved having him for even a short time and they got to see him get up and walk for the first time, pat him and feed him.  Out in the paddock we have Liesl, Frederick and Smartie who are happily with their Mums. (Inverargill's production of 'The Sound of Music' made quite an impression)
 Kate had her Primary Ballet exam today.  She has worked very hard and when it was over, she was pretty proud of herself for doing it.  Well done Katie.

 Flynn loves loves loves to be outside.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sam's Rippa Rugby

Sammy had a great time on the field today.  He tried hard, chased hard and was ready to receive passes when possible.  He even managed to score three tries and get a rip.  Well done Sammy! 
Above:  Sam is third to back marching on to the field. 
Below:  He is the ball carrier, fending off a rip from the opposition
 The Myross Bush Team, Coach Snow and Coach Dad.
Below:  Sam is Second from left.  Cameron and Caleb, his two good mates are fourth and fifth from the left respectively  All three played well and got player of the day awards along  with a free burger each at MacDonalds - The burger was a big bonus in Sam's eyes.
 He is at the far left of this pic scoring the try.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Flynn!

Happy Birthday toFlynn
Happy Birthday to Flynn
Happy Birthday dear Flynn
Happy Birthday to you!
 Flynn has been practicing walking in preparation for his birthday.  He prefers this to crawling now and is very cute when on the move.  Flynn holds both arms up when he is walking - just like his big sister did when she was learning.
 Kate, Sam and Lachie took the responsibility of teaching Flynn to unwrap a parcel very seriously, each person opened one present with him... very slowly.  It was heaps of fun.
 Stacking blocks and a cool new tunnel.  What a hit!

 Our new one year old looks a lot like Lachie in this highchair pic.
 We had lots of friends to share in the birthday madness.
 Mummy and Lachie made this "baa baa" cake.
 Ollie, who is always there to ensure Flynn is happy and safe, took Flynn for a tractor ride. Cool!
 Flynn loved loved loved singing the happy birthday song and clapping at the end.
Mummy and Daddy think we are very lucky to have such wonderful family and friends to share such a special day with.  Whether you are near or far, a big Thank You to everyone for remembering Flynn today and for all the phone calls, texts, e-mails and lovely presents.   xx

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Family and Friends

 We're not sure who talks more, but one things for sure, Kate and Emma are great friends.
 "Look how clever I am, I pushed the buggy all the way over here by myself"
 "And I can wave to you too".
 The team at work.
 Lachie loves sticks and digging.
Uncle Andrew's heifers taught Flynn how to say "Moo".

Family Pictures, Christmas 2011

 Family photos taken in Hastings.
 Connor, Sam, Grandma, Max and Bruce
Emma, Lachie, Flynn, Kate and James.
 Andrew, Stuart, Grandma, David and Hamish.
 Faith, Linda, Grandma, Catherine and Jaime.
 2 Grandaughters - Emma and Kate.

The Dads and their boys, all born in 2007.