Thursday, December 15, 2005


Thank you for visiting Kate's web page and for all your lovely messages via this web page, e-mail and text. Its wonderful to know that you enjoy watching our little lady grow as much as we do.

Merry Christmas to you all wherever you are around the world and best wishes for 2006.

love Mum, Dad and Kate xxx

Kate at 23 weeks

Monday, December 12, 2005


Kate has really got the Jolly Jumper under control now. She especially enjoys it when her Mum or Dad jump along with her and although both parents quickly tire of this game, she can go on for ages!

Kate is now 5 months old! She is growing up so fast and looks far too much like a big girl in these shorts - Mum is considering hiding them, despite the very warm weather.

Dad got the Christmas tree down on Sunday and while he played in the rain creating a drain for all that water, Kate, Jess the cat and Mum all decorated it - wonderful chaos was had by all!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


On Tuesday my Nana and Grandad came home from the UK. Bradley and I went to Auckland with our mums to meet them. We had a big green sign that said "Welcome Home Nana and Grandad" so that they could find us. It was very exciting. You can see some pics of Bradley and I at the airport with Nana and Grandad on Bradley's web page. My clever aunty took them.
Then on Thursday I went to Hamilton to see my Aunty Sarah and to go to the osteopath. I liked visiting Aunty Sarah the best but the osteo man was ok too. I have big sleeps when I go in the car even though it is very very hot. At home i've been practising sitting up all by myself and drinking water from a cup too. I have been a very busy girl this week.
Kate at 21 weeks

Monday, November 28, 2005


Yesterday I rolled over all by myself - from my back to my front and back again. I got this fun new ball at our ante natal christmas party from my friends Samantha and Katelyn. It is really cool but it keeps rolling away from me. I had to roll over to catch it. Mum and Dad thought this was pretty cool but I don't really see what the big deal is - a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
Kate at 20 weeks

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Yah! My Mum got organised! I have a website too!! All the happening kids seem to have one. Now you will get to see lots of photos and read all about my busy life as a little lady!!
I like standing on my "tooties" and jumping in my jolly jumper. I really want to roll over too but I can't quite figure out what to do with my arms yet. I'll just have to keep trying.
People tell me that I look like my Dad and my Granddad Robin and that I talk lots like my mum. Well I don't know about all that but I do like to chat cause theres just so much to chat about.
I also like to dance. It makes me laugh. So do all the funny faces and raspberries people keep making for me.
Kate at 20 weeks! Held by Dad!

Sunday, October 09, 2005


I was baptised at St Mary's Church in Rotorua on Sunday the 9 of October. It was a very special day. Lots of people came to share the day with me and Mum and Dad say I was a very good girl. I have got 3 Godparents who have to help look after me as I grow up - lucky them. They are my Aunty Susan, Uncle Simon and Uncle Hamish. I wore my Great Gran's gown - it is 91 years old , the bracelet my Great Grandad Cyril gave to my Mum when she was born and the Shawl my Aunty Susan and my Mum were baptised in. I have a cool family.
Kate at 12 weeks. Held by Grandma.

Monday, July 18, 2005


I was born on the 6 July 2005. My Mum and Dad had been waiting for me to come for days but I was snug and warm and quite happy where i was. I'm here now so I don't really know what all the fuss was about. I was 7lb 10oz and was talking when I arrived into the world. It was all a bit scary but i'm getting the hang of things now. I have lots of people who love me and take care of me so i'm a pretty lucky girl.

Kate at10 hours old, Home in the capsule & On Dad's knee.