Thursday, November 30, 2006


Grandma gave me the coolest present for christmas!!! I got this special cot for my babies and they love their new bed. I'm going to be in Taranaki and Palmerston North for christmas so Grandma got the cot sent to me down here. I am very lucky because it came very early and I was allowed to have it because we will be away for so long. I love putting my babies to bed and getting them up again, and hopping in with them, and hopping out again, and taking out all the blankets and putting them back in again... you can tell from my cheeky grin just how much fun it all is. In the bottom picture I am pointing to Santa because soon it will be Christmas time. Thank you Grandma - we can't wait to see you again soon. xxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Today my Great Aunty Margie and Great Uncle John drove all the way from Dunedin to see us all. We had a lovely visit all together. They bought me a beautiful new dolly with lovely hair which Mummy is teaching me how to do - just like she does mine. We're calling the new little lady 'Margie'. We spent some of the afternoon playing on the deck together. It was fun. Thank you for visiting us Great Aunty Margie and Great Uncle John xxx

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Nana and Grandad are staying with us at the moment. We are having lots of fun. This morning we went to Queens Park where the ducks live. We took some bread for them to eat. They are very hungry ducks and steal the bread from out of your hands. We all thought they were really cool, although Nana doesn't like it when they eat the bread next to her toes!
After we fed the ducks we went to the playground to go on my favourite swings and things. Yah! My Nana and Grandad spoil me, they took me on the playground toys and we even had some yummy snacks at the park kiosk..
They also bought me these pretty new clothes that I am wearing and lots of other little treats.
It is so lovely to have them to stay. I have showed them my room and all my favourite babies. Nana and I like to look after my babies and make sure they've had their dinner and their sleep.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


MacKenzie and her Mum have been staying with us. MacKenzie is 4 months old and I think she is just the best "Bubba" in the world. I bring her all my books and toys and rattles to play with and I love to give her hugs. I am trying very hard to be gentle because she is only little. We are having so many adventures together. I am teaching her lots of tricks too, because now she can blow little raspberries - hee hee! I watch all of the things that MacKenzie and her Mum do together and I can do lots of those things with my babies too. Sometimes, I like to pretend to be a baby too and lie on the play mat after MacKenzie has had a turn. Being little is lovely but its good to be big too because then you can tickle MacKenzie's toes in the bath...
We both like to splash and talk and sing in the bath - MacKenzie is a real little chatter box.
Since they have been staying we have been to feed the ducks (although the ducks had to share the bread with me) and to the playground, where MacKenzie had her first ever swing. She thought swinging was fantastic! It sure is!

I love the slide too and I can go down it sitting up now. Mum finally got brave enough to let me try! I used to lie on my back or go with Mum or Dad. It is cool.
Yup, we sure are doing a good job at keeping our Mum's out of mischief!