Sunday, November 05, 2006


MacKenzie and her Mum have been staying with us. MacKenzie is 4 months old and I think she is just the best "Bubba" in the world. I bring her all my books and toys and rattles to play with and I love to give her hugs. I am trying very hard to be gentle because she is only little. We are having so many adventures together. I am teaching her lots of tricks too, because now she can blow little raspberries - hee hee! I watch all of the things that MacKenzie and her Mum do together and I can do lots of those things with my babies too. Sometimes, I like to pretend to be a baby too and lie on the play mat after MacKenzie has had a turn. Being little is lovely but its good to be big too because then you can tickle MacKenzie's toes in the bath...
We both like to splash and talk and sing in the bath - MacKenzie is a real little chatter box.
Since they have been staying we have been to feed the ducks (although the ducks had to share the bread with me) and to the playground, where MacKenzie had her first ever swing. She thought swinging was fantastic! It sure is!

I love the slide too and I can go down it sitting up now. Mum finally got brave enough to let me try! I used to lie on my back or go with Mum or Dad. It is cool.
Yup, we sure are doing a good job at keeping our Mum's out of mischief!


Anonymous said...

It is lovely to see that you ywo lovely little (and a bit bigger) girls having so much fun. I bet McKenzie would like a slide too but she is not big enough yet.I am pleased that you were trying to be gentle Kate. That is so good. I have Faith's two big dogs here today and Little Kitty is hiding from them. Hope she appears when they go home.
Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, you are just growing up so fast. Great action shots of you having fun.
Love M J

Bradley and Jack said... are all grown up Katie!! Your hair is three times as long as mine!!! Not long till we get to see you at Christmas!!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

hi katie nana and grand dad and olive and snow are looking at ur pics and u look so loveley wont be long before nana and i are down there to see u hope its nice and warm

love u nana and grandad