Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Yesterday was Mummy's birthday and we had a lovely day. In the morning I bought Mummy some suprises into her bed. I had a card that I wrote in just for her and a wee presey for us to open. Then we opened up lots of other cards and presents too. We made the biggest mess but had the most fun! Daddy and I took Mummy out for lunch too. Then after dinner I helped Mummy to blow out the candles on her birthday cake. Although, I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet, so mostly I just watched. It was a pretty exciting game though. Bradley is going to teach me how to do it properly at Nana's birthday which isn't very far away. Yah!! We all had a lovely day. Mummy says that everyone was very kind to her and that she was very spoilt. Lucky old Mummy.


Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, You sure helped your Mummy have a lovely birthday. You will have fun at your Nana's birthday too. I had a great time staying with your great nana and she is really looking foreward to seeing you at Xmas time. We had a lovely visit with Bradley and your nana and grandad and auntie and uncle
Thanks for the photo you sent us. Your Xmas tree looks beautiful, just like you are.
Love to you and everyone.

Devery said...

Hi Kate

Boy your Mum is old! It's lucky you didn't have to blow out all the candles for her age...you could have been there for days.
I think that your pigtales are very cute.
See you really soon.

Bradley and Jack said...

Hello cuzzie...

I just can't believe how big you are!! Just over a week and you can come visit at my house!! That is so exciting!! I can't believe how long your hair is!! "Pretty"! Well safe travells and see you next week!!

PS: Don't forget to bring my BIG Christmas pressie up Katie!!! Hee hee!!!

xxx Bradley

Mackenzie Johnston said...

Hey Katie Pie

I love the look of that chocolately goodness - we'll have to enjoy lots of treats when you come to our house. We've been practising the naked nelly noo dance for you.

See you soon
Sarah & Mackenzie xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate you've got alot more hair than your dad now. Hope mum had a happy birthday and you left her some cake to eat.
We have just booked our tickets to come to cousin Caroline's wedding the GA Susan and I are going to visit the South Island. Ifm we can make it we may even come to visit you, tho that depends on whether we decide to do the Milford track. Anyway it would be great to catch up - tell dad to put a beer in the fridge just in case. Now I see you have a great uncle John that is not me. Solves that problem, I'll just be plain old John - don't need any of this senior or great uncle stuff - just don't call me that Aussie b******* John.

Jave a great Xmas.