Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Grandad has been very busy today as well. He and Nana finished water blasting the house. Mum and I watched - it looked all a bit high and scary to us.This is Harold! Daddy bought him home tonight after work because he was taking him to another meeting tonight. When I was a tiny baby the people at Daddy's work gave me my very own little Harold but this Harold is Huge! I thought he was lovely until Daddy put him on his head and pretended to be Harold - that was a bit scary. I think I like my Daddy just the way he is.


Today I have been very busy. I have been outisde with Nana making sure she is working hard. We spent hours in the garden with our buckets and spades. It was fantastic. There was dirt everywhere but I had such a lovely time. Nana was allowed to have some breaks from working though, so that she could push me "higher" and "higher" in my new swing. Nana and Grandad bought it for me when they arrived. I just love it! I'm a very lucky girl I know.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


We have moved into our new house. And it is SO cool. There is lots of room for everyone and everything. I love to visit the cows, horses, sheep and dogs around me, and wave to the train that goes past everyday, and potter outside on the grass. When we first moved in, nobody could find the front door or see inside the lounge without the lights on because the garden were very overgrown but Dad, Nana and Grandad soon fixed that and now we have a lovely light house. They all had a lovely time but worked very very hard both on the inside and the outside. I was a very good helper.
My room is really big and I have to go up the stairs to get to it. Its fantastic. This is Baby and I dancing together in it.
Nana and Grandad are visiting us again this week to help Mummy and Daddy because one day soon Mummy is going to have a new baby for us. Nana and I have been in the garden together all morning. It was another great adventure.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Next Wednesday we are moving to a new house. Mum is very busy packing during the day. I like to help by hiding in the boxes, pulling things out of the boxes, pushing the boxes around, going for rides in the boxes and playing in all the newspaper. Jessie loves all the action too and between the pair of us, we work hard to make sure that Mum's progress is slow and careful.


This is my scrapbook and I love to put stickers into it and then look at them all. Stickers are great for sharing too - I put them on Mum and Dad and my babies, then we put those ones in the scrapbook too. I also like to do lots of colourful drawings and am pretty sure my art work is much better than Mum and Dad's!