Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Grandad has been very busy today as well. He and Nana finished water blasting the house. Mum and I watched - it looked all a bit high and scary to us.This is Harold! Daddy bought him home tonight after work because he was taking him to another meeting tonight. When I was a tiny baby the people at Daddy's work gave me my very own little Harold but this Harold is Huge! I thought he was lovely until Daddy put him on his head and pretended to be Harold - that was a bit scary. I think I like my Daddy just the way he is.


Mackenzie Johnston said...
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Mackenzie Johnston said...

It looks like you are keeping Nana and Grandad very busy - where are the photos of Mum? We need to see how big she is with the new baby.

Anonymous said...

Hello Katie how busy everyone is at your new house and it all looks very lovely. Soon we will have photos of you and your wee baby.
You sure have the best grandparents. Bye and love to you and everyone.