Monday, March 05, 2007


I am Samuel Edward McGregor but everybody just calls me Sam. I was born on Saturday the 3rd March at 9:52am, weighing 9lb and 5oz (4.245kilos). My Mum and Dad say that I have no excuse at all, for being late as I am such a big healthy boy!
These are pictures of me at the hospital in Invercargill in my wee bed and hanging out with my Dad who has been telling me all about life out here.
Thank you to everyone who have sent my family and I Iovely messages welcoming me into the world. xxx


Mackenzie Johnston said...

Hello Beautiful Boy - Welcome to the world. We can't wait to meet you.

Lots of love
Sarah, Shane and Mackenzie xxx

Anonymous said...

Welcome little Sam! Lovely to see your beautiful pics! We will see you very soon! Hope you are staying up all night keeping Mummy and Daddy awake!! Hee!

xxx Aunty Susan, Uncle Si, Bradley and Grandad!

Anonymous said...

What another beautiful baby. I am so looking forward to meeting Sam and seeing big sister Kate soon. Welcome to the family wee man.
Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

Wee Sam is just a little darling, what a beautiful family you all are, Mummy and Daddy and Katie and Sam.
Love to everyone.
M J xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well great to see you young Sam (you don't mind me being familiar I hope). We just missed you on our very brief visit to Invercargill in February, in fact I don't know where mum was hiding all 3.7kg of you. Pleased to see Kate being such a big help getting the new house all shipshape. We look forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future.
The Sydney Coles's