Saturday, April 14, 2007


Bradley, Aunty Susan and Uncle Si are staying with us at the moment. Here are a couple of pics of us already - and before anyone comments - they are not the best - also there are none with Sam taken yet! Bit tricky to get everyone to co-operate. We will try again this afo and post some more tomorrow.

We have been busy drawing and sitting in the couch watching the Litlle Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Club House and GIGGLING....and GIGGLING..................

It is very cold too! Bradley has only been outside once - to his disgust! And he had to get all rugged up in his new jersey that Nana knitted and leggings, boots and jacket too! Brrrrrrr!! Aunty is whinging about the cold weather! She is just soft!

This photo is also not great! Bradley was watching the "tele" with great concentration!


Anonymous said...

Hullo to Brad, Kate and Sam, the photos are okay lovely to see you two happy together. Nana and Grandad are missing you Brad. We wish we were down with you all. Have lots of fun bye for now we love you all special huggs for sam. Nana and Grandad

Anonymous said...

It is great that you are having fun together. The weather is not great here either but I have been at work so it doesn't matter. Tell Bradley's mother to put more clothes on - that helps with the cold!!! Great jersey Bradley. Looking forward to seeing more photos of Kate and Sam and Brad having fun and games. Love to you all Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hi to you all, these photos are so cute, what a great pair of coussies you are, Bradley and Kate.
We wish we could have had enough free time to visit you all but it hasn't worked out that way.
Love to Kate, Bradley and wee Sam and to your Mums and Dads.