Friday, June 29, 2007


Great Nana came to Katie's birthday party. Great Nana and I are good friends. We laughed and laughed and laughed together.


Soon I am going to be 2. So, while we were staying with Nana and Grandad we had a birthday party.

I had the best day ever. I got to wear a party hat and have balloons and blow out candles and Bradley was there too!

It was all very exciting and I didn't want it to end. I even went to bed with my hat on and balloons by my side that night. Mum had to sneak in and take them off me when I was asleep.
Thank you Nana and all of my family for a great party!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Mum and Dad took me to Hamilton to visit my new friend MacKenzie and her mummy and daddy.
We took MacKenzie a birthday present because she is a big one year old girl. She was very kind to me and gave me kisses and cuddles.
She even shared her mum and dad with me.


Mummy, Daddy, Sammy and I have been on a very big adventure. We went on three planes to get all the way to Nana and Grandad's house. It was so exciting to see them again.
We stayed for two whole weeks and did lots of fun things together. I even stayed with Nana and grandad all by myself while Mummy, Daddy and Sammy went to Hamilton. Nana is my very best friend! One of the best things about staying with them is that I got to see Bradley heaps. He teaches me lots of new things and we love to run around giggling together.

Friday, June 08, 2007


One of my very favourite things to do is to chuckle! Mum and Dad say I look a bit like my cousin Bradley when he was this age. I am going to Taranaki tomorrow, so I will be able to check Bradley out. I met him when I was six weeks old - he was very good to me. Kate and I are very excited about seeng him again. Kate has been telling me we are going "Nana plane rorow (tomorrow)" all day. Hooray.

Monday, June 04, 2007


I am 3 months old now. My Great Uncle John, Great Aunty Susan and their family sent me this cool 'big boys' oufit. I have been practising all my new tricks in it - Sucking on my fists and fingers, catching the toys that swing above me on the play gym and pushing myself upward using my feet. I am having so much fun!

Friday, June 01, 2007


We all had lots of fun with Grandma when she came to stay. Jessie and I showed her all around the place and we had lots of adventures outside in the 'jungle'. That is the best place for adventures because you have to push through the bushes to get out the other side and then call out "hooray".
I also helped Grandma do the sweeping and the raking. Sam came out to make sure we were all doing a good job.
Grandma also gave us our baths and spent loads of time in the house with me. She is just the best. We can't wait til she visits again.