Sunday, July 22, 2007


Nana and Grandad gave me this really cool easl for my birthday and this week I have been using it to do lots of paintings. Painting is great fun.
I have also been helping mummy a lot. I like to rinse the dishes for her before she puts them in the dishwasher. Mum thinks that it is just an excuse to get in the water! I LOVE water. I spend most of the day making cups of tea for everyone with water from a bottle. That is my favourtite game at the moment.
Today Sammy and I hung out in our jammies for a long time. Sammy likes to play with the safety pin rattle and I am very good at finding it and giving it to him.
When Mummy went to find us some clothes to wear, I decided to help mum by getting Sam's socks and jammie pants off, all ready for his day clothes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Katie and Sammy, aren't you just the cutest little people.
Love M J

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a helper you are Kate. I did enjoy talking to Mum on the phone today and soon you and I will be able to have a chat. Sam is soooo lucky to have a big sister to play with and to get his rattle and help him to hold it.
Golly Sam is looking so grown up in his jammies. Only one more month and I will be in Invercargill and I am looking forward to that.
Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
We just got broadband and even better a wireless modem so we are testing it out and catching up on blogs! Great to see the photos of you all. You all look so well and happy. What a big boy you are Sam! Excellent work Mum! We can't wait to meet you one day soon.
And Kate you get more beautiful every day.
We will have to talk soon.
All our love
Stacey, Alastair, Hunter and Riley