Thursday, August 16, 2007


Today Sam and Mum and I went to play with our friends at coffee group. I wore my very special kilt. What do you think Nana?
Sam has got a wee friend at group, so he was excited to be going too.


Anonymous said...

I have just been looking at the lovely pictures on the web site. My goodness Kate you are very good to baby. She is lucky to have someone to look after her so well. I bet Uncle Andrew loved your Happy Birthday. I hope we have cake when I come to Invercargill next week. That looks a yummy birthday cake and I can see that you are helping Uncle Andrew blow out the candles. You do look lovely in your kilt and sooooo grown up and your hair is getting quite long and thick. You look lovely and Sam looks happy and handsome as he gets ready to go out to play.
Love Grandma

Bradley and Jack said...

Hi Katie and Sammie

Wow Katie you look all grown up in your kilt and pig tails. It won't be long now and you will be able to come and play with me again in Hawera! And soon Sammy will be able to join in the fun too! How exciting!

xxx Bradley

Anonymous said...

You do look lovely Katie in your kilt. You look so grown up. Sammie you look a lot like your Mummy when she was a baby.

Love Nana

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie and Sammy you are just lovely, happy wee people.
Your Great Nana said to me today "I wonder what Kate and Sam are doing today" and that you just have the best Mummy (and daddy of course)
Love to you all