Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today is Daddy's birthday. We had a birthday party for him. It was very exciting - Sam and I waited and waited for Daddy to come home from work so we could have our birthday dinner and birthday cake.
I sung "Happy Birthday" to Daddy all by myself, then we blew out the candles. Yay!


Anonymous said...

What lovely pictures of Daddy's birthday. It is great that you could sing Happy Birthday all by yourself Kate. Daddy is so lucky to have you to help him blow oiut the candles and open parcels and things. Wow Sam can stand up and help at your cool kitchen and he can ride a bike too. He's growing up fast!
Love Grandma

Devery said...

Love the hat Stu...must introduce that tradition into our house

Dr Salmi said...

a very happy family. god bless you