Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Maybe crawling isn't THAT over rated after all

Today Mum was vacuuming and I really wanted to catch up to that vacuum cleaner to have a look at it and to use it to stand up on. So I used this one straight leg, one bent knee and two hands technique. The only thing I like about this game is that I can move to something to pull myself up on and walk from there, and I generally grizzle the whole way, just so everyone understands that I would much rather be on my feet. If there is an adult around I much prefer to demand that they give me a lift up instead. I am not silly and know all about the short cuts to getting where I want to be. I can also use this technique to get up the stairs, except I don't use knees, just two hands and two feet.


Anonymous said...

hi sam you are certainly the wonder boy arnt you
you havnt heard of the saying crawl before you walk have you
you are the opposite walk before you crawl
katie was lovely to talk to you today on the phone and we will see you both next week wont we
love nana and grandad

Bradley and Jack said...

Wahooo Sammy!!! U have got al the tricks now!! Great stuff!!

See U all very soon

xxx Bradey and Jack