Friday, October 08, 2010

Great Friends!

We have been able to spend our school holidays with some of our very best friends. Paula, Mat, Jessica and Zach came to say visit from Wellington and Aunty Sarah, Mackenzie and Alex came to stay from Hamilton. Everybody got along really well. It is very quiet at our place now and we miss everyone a lot.
Kate and Mackenzie having some quiet time together.
Lachie (20months) Zach (2years 9months), Sam (3years 7months), Jessica (4years 9months), Mackenzie (4years 3months), Alex (1year 3 months), Kate (5years 2months).

The Mums.

Good friends.

The big girls.

Alex loved living on a farm. Here he is with his favourite toys, the lambs and the tractor!

Milo and Pyjama got lots of love from everyone.

1 comment:

Devery said...

Those are the cutest kids in the world! Thanks for a great holiday!