Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Nana and Grandad come to stay and Sammy is 4!

Nana and Grandad have been to stay with us. We have had the most lovely time together and will miss them very much. Nana and Grandad bought us the Bad Jelly the witch dvd, which the kids all love, though Kate appreciated some cuddles from Nana during the first viewing!Lachie doesn't sit still to watch much at all, unless its Peter Rabbit, so he bounced on the couch next to Nana, Kate and Sam.
Nana and Grandad came especially for Sam's fourth birthday.
We all had a wonderful afternoon tea party with some friends and family, with yummy food, pass the parcel and a Diesel 10 (the train) birthday cake. Sam had a ball and he was very spoilt! Thank you to everyone!

And he just loves his new Marble race, he has spent hours working out new runs for the marbles to go down.

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