Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Adventures

Lachie and his good friend Woo Woo snuggling beside the fire.
Autumn is definitely here.
Sammy was one of the narrators in Room 1s part in the school Easter Liturgy.
He did a super job.
The lovely Miss O'Neill is holding the microphone for Sam. Miss O'Neill is unfortunately moving to Wanaka next term. She has taught both Kate and Sam and will be missed. Miss O'Neill's favourite colour is red so Sammy has suggested that we write this wee story in red too.
Kate was one of the women who covered the body of Jesus in oil (she is in the pink 'robe')
On Easter Saturday we headed to Dunedin. First we visited the butterfly house.
Lachie thought these turtles were pretty cool.
There was a waterfall to walk underneath and to puddle in!

And if you stand still (as hard as that might be), a butterfly just might land on you.

Kate was so patient waiting for a butterfly to land on her hand. And then we discovered there was one on her shoulder instead!
After the buterfly house we had a really lovely visit with Aunty Margy, Uncle John, Krissy, Violet and Brooke. We were treated like prince and princesses. And it was so good to see everyone.

Then it was off to see the Highlanders play the Stormers at Dunedin's new Forsyth Barr Stadium. It was amazing and we had a great time. When we'd finished cheering, singing, waving flags and checking out all the cool moves from the players, we pulled on our jammies and snuggled into our seats to sleep all the way home to Turkey Bush Road.

When we woke up in our beds the next morning the Easter Bunny had been. Yee ha! Chocolate for breakfast anyone? Sammy saved his for later in the day but Kate and Lachie sampled their dinosaur eggs.

Then followed an extensive investigation of the house looking for signs of that Bunny and perhaps a clue or two for an Easter Hunt.

Finally, after church, when Kate and Lachie got the milk out of the fridge a clue was discovered and the hunt began! From the laundry to the lawn, to the stables, in the paddocks, among the trees and finally back to the garage the Easter Bunny led us on our merry journey.

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