Sunday, February 17, 2013

Summer Holidays - Part 1!

Once school was over we headed to Nana and Grandads to begin our summer holiday adventures.  We have had such a wonderful time. 

Nana and Grandad have some lovely people who live at the end of the road with two gorgeous wee dogs that the kids just love.  Molly and Lexie are Shitzu-Maltese and are adored by all but especially by Kate.  Anne and Ross, their owners, are so lovely to the kids and share all sorts of stories with them about the antics the dogs get up to.

 Lachie, Sam and Kate had a great time enjoying the novelty of a pavement and concrete to ride on.  Sam learnt to skid, Kate to scooter with style and Lachie to ride with confidence.

 We even got to see Aunty Sarah, Mackenzie and Alex in New Plymouth.  They are so good to us and we really enjoy their company.
 Kate and Sam made the annual excursion up the mountain to Wilkies Pools with Grandad, Bradley, Jack, Tom and Mum.  It was a magnificent day.

And we all got to visit Santa in Hawera's Santa cave.  Kate was SUPER excited about this, as was Bradley, Lachie was reserved but Jack and Sam were not too keen.  Flynn didn't care so long as he had Nana!

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