Thursday, January 05, 2006


Kate's first Christmas has been a wonderful relaxing time for us all. Nana and Grandad arrived in Rotorua for Christmas Eve and Kate got her first Christmas present then because Nana couldn't wait any longer. Nana, Mum and Kate had a wonderful time rolling the new drum to each other.
Kate opened her christmas stocking with Dad while we waited for Bradley and Aunty Susan to arrive. She got a new rattle and cuddly toy for her cot, which she seemed very happy about.

When everybody was together we all had lots of fun watching the kids - big and small - ripping open their Christmas presents and playing with their surprises. Later that day we all headed back to Tokoroa to see Uncle Simon when he had woken from his big sleep after night shift. A wonderful day was had by all.

On Boxing day we headed to Palmerston North to celebrate Christmas with Grandma, Great Gran and Great Sid and all Kate's other Uncles and Aunties (except for Uncle David and Aunty Jamie who are in Ireland and Aunty Faith who was in Tokoroa - lots of love to all of them). On the way we stopped at Turangi for a picnic on the grass. Kate is getting very clever at sitting up all by herself.

We had a lovely relaxing holiday, both in Palmerston North and then in Hawera with Nana and Grandad. We also got to see Kate's Great Nana in Hawera and to visit Aunty Paula and Uncle Mat in Wellington with their 7 week old beautiful baby girl Jessica. Kate had lots of smiles for Jessica and even tried to 'pat' her.

Then it was back to our own home and to welcome Jess home from the Cattery. It is nice to be in our own beds again but we're looking forward to seeing everybody again in February.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Kate you had a great Xmas. Over here in Oz we had a pretty good Xmas but we missed our"little" girl Anna who is in Canada. We worked out on New Years day we had a difference in temperature of 50 degrees C. It was really hot hot hot here - 45 degrees. We went in the pool alot tho' your silly great uncle played golf in the morning. When you come to visit us bring those cool clothes you had on at Xmas. Unless dad brings you for the Bledisloe - it's abit cooler then.

Love John Susan & Kiri