Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Sometimes when my Mummy and I go to get the mail in, there is mail for ME! It's so exciting, I love to grab and pull and suck on the bags and envelopes. The other day I got a parcel from my Grandma with some really cool things in it. I wore the new outfit to Church on Sunday. It is really beautiful. Then yesterday, I got ANOTHER parcel. This one from my Nana. She sent me some real grown up Jammies. They are all warm and snuggly and they have buttons - I just love buttons! I am a very lucky girl i know! Thanks Grandma and Nana.

P.S: My Mum told me that my Great Aunty Lyn knitted this cardigan straight from the sheep! Wow, she sure is clever.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,
I thought I would have a look at your blog page as I haven't been in for a while and it looks like you posted a message only an hour ago! Great timing.
You are looking so grown up now, isn't it amazing how quickly we grow!
I am running my poor mother ragged. I am in to EVERYTHING! My favourite thing is to pull myself up to stand on anything I can find. I have had lots of falls and am sporting a few bruises. I also seem to eat non-stop, Mum can't figure out where it all goes. She thinks I am going to be a horse. Typical boy I guess.
We will have to catch up again soon. I'm off to coffee group now.
Love Hunter

Devery said...

Wow Kate!

Three new entries, you have been busy! I think you look beautiful in the photos your Aunty Susan took.
Jessica can't read her books yet but she's starting to notice that she has hands.
I'll have to update her webpage soon.
Paula XO

Anonymous said...

HI Kate,

What a clever girl you are. It took me years to work out how to use the internet.
You look great in your home spun cardi.
Your great Aunt Lyn had a real job to get the sheep to stand still for long enough to spin the wool for your cardi.
Sheep are those white things with 4 legs that roam around the hills eating grass. When your Grandfather and I were young boys we spent many hours chasing them around the hills.
Now I know how to contact you, and when you Mum and Dad are not around, I can tell you all kinds of storys about about your Grandad, and your Dad too! Also I won't have to worry too much about my spelling because you are such a clever girl you will still know what I mean to say.

So you keep being a good girl for you Mum and Dad and I will contact you later.

Lots of Love,

Your Great Uncle Malcolm