Monday, March 13, 2006


This morning I helped put the washing on the line (I was in charge of the pegs). I like to pick the flowers outside too. Dad wants to chop them all down but he can't cos the weed eater is being fixed. Too bad Dad!
I am such a good helper! When we came inside I did some reading. I just love my books. I know how each story goes and which flaps need to be lifted up. I want Mum or Dad to read me story, after story, after story, after story.... but they doesn't always think this is such a good idea. That's ok though. I'll just read them myself.


Bradley and Jack said...

You are such a good girl sitting and reading. I think you are clever. But are you as clever as me? I can read my books in thirty seconds flat...and then I really must keep moving...and keep getting into things...and run around...and fall down...and dance and sing...and explore everywhere.....Really i think you are such a good girl compared to me! I reckon my Mum might trade me in for you one of these days...she keeps telling me that I could learn a thing or two from you. She would like to sit and read with you for a rest!!

Miss you Kate...but I will see you on Saturday cos' Mum and Dad are bringing me for a visit and to do some more photos of you!

Be a good girl and I will come and show you some more of my tricks on Saturday - but you better be leaving my ears alone!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kate
I've been catchting up with you and boy you've done a lot since I saw you at Great Sids party. Just one thing though. Whats this 'senior' uncle bizzo?
Old uncle Brian might be a senior uncle, but I'm much younger than him. I could go with "Distinguished" uncle or "the uncle who's just a bit older than my other uncles" uncle or even "that great bloke over there" uncle. Any way I'll let you have a think about it.In the meantime if you get stuck just call me what everybody else does - 'that silly old b......! No No No..... John