Wednesday, April 19, 2006


We got back from Nana and Grandads just in time for Easter. Mum and Dad say I have got very wiggly and im not quite as easy to take to church - there is just so much to explore these days.

On Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny came. I love easter bunny eggs. Dad says I get my sweet tooth from my Uncle Hamish but Mum thinks she might have something to do with it. I hope the Easter Bunny visited Uncle Hamish too.

Then Grandma came to stay with us. She bought me another easter egg from Great Gran and Great Sid. I ate it with my Dad. Eating Easter Eggs is a very serious business. I got it everywhere but it was really yummy!

We all had a lovely time with Grandma. She read me lots of stories, took me for walks and played with my toys. Grandma is cool!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


We have had so much fun staying with Nana and Grandad. Nana and I have been very busy building castles, banging drums, playing with dolly,eating all sorts of different things and crawling around the house together. I am a bit shy with people at the moment but Nana is my friend!
In the mornings I hop in bed with Nana and Grandad to make sure they are not sleeping in. Then Grandad goes to work but he comes home for lunch. I sit with him while he has his cup of tea and then we can play together too. I still love to be on my feet and Grandad helps me stand up and walk. Yah!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


This week we are visiting my Nana and Grandad in Hawera. Before we left I was just starting to pull myself forward using my hands and dragging my knees but now I've got it all figured out and i've been crawling around the lounge after Nana. She has got this black and white pussy cat, just like my Jessie and I think it is really cool. I'm getting faster and faster - soon i'll be able to keep up with Bradley when he's running around the place!

Mum and I have also been to see my Great Nana. Great Nana showed me pictures of my new second cousin Jordan and I told her lots of stories about the "Bubba" and showed her how I can move. We had a fun visit.


My mum and I go for a walk most afternoons. It is very relaxing for me - I don't know about for mum though. Today my Dad took me walking but it was very hard work and I was still snoozing when we got home so Dad parked me inside.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Usually my Dad looks after me but today I am looking after him because he is sick. He needs me to help him with the remote control, and with his work phone and papers. I take good care of all these things and make sure i really check them all out well. In between these jobs I am practising my crawling and taking care of my own phone. Busy, busy, busy!
Now, if I could just figure out what to do - after I get onto my hands and knees...

Monday, April 03, 2006


My Nana and Grandad, and Granny Jill and Snow have been visiting Bradley to help him out with his wood chopping. Then they came to see my mum and dad, and ME! It was so good to see them. They gave me lots of cuddles. I read them some stories and showed them all my new tricks. Nana even gave me a little bit of a pineapple lump. Yummy! Then they all went and stayed in Rotorua so they could come see us again on Sunday. Olive and Grandad told me that they played cards at their motel and that Nana and Snow lost badly. Poor Nana and Snow! When I woke up from my sleep on Sunday, Nana, Grandad and Olive were there to get me up from my cot. What a cool suprise! They are pretty special visitors so I wore my pretty dress that Nana and Olive found for me in Wanganui one day when they were shopping. After they we got even more visitors. Aunty Susan, Uncle Si and Bradley came to play for a little bit. Bradley is just the best. He runs around the place and brings me toys. He likes to play silly games with his mum too. It was such a fun weekend!