Monday, April 03, 2006


My Nana and Grandad, and Granny Jill and Snow have been visiting Bradley to help him out with his wood chopping. Then they came to see my mum and dad, and ME! It was so good to see them. They gave me lots of cuddles. I read them some stories and showed them all my new tricks. Nana even gave me a little bit of a pineapple lump. Yummy! Then they all went and stayed in Rotorua so they could come see us again on Sunday. Olive and Grandad told me that they played cards at their motel and that Nana and Snow lost badly. Poor Nana and Snow! When I woke up from my sleep on Sunday, Nana, Grandad and Olive were there to get me up from my cot. What a cool suprise! They are pretty special visitors so I wore my pretty dress that Nana and Olive found for me in Wanganui one day when they were shopping. After they we got even more visitors. Aunty Susan, Uncle Si and Bradley came to play for a little bit. Bradley is just the best. He runs around the place and brings me toys. He likes to play silly games with his mum too. It was such a fun weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, your new pictures are so lovely and in the first one you look just like your Mum did when she was little. We can't wait to meet you which hopefully will be in May.
Love M J

Bradley and Jack said...

Yeah it was a cool weekend Kate. I had heaps of fun too! Sorry that I stole your play cell phone. I snuck it in my bag when no-one was lokking and took it home!! Mum found it on Monday when your Mum asked her about it!! I know it was abit naughty but I knew you would let me have a turn with it! It is pretty neat a? See you next week sometime when your Mummy brings you over for a visit.