Saturday, November 25, 2006


Nana and Grandad are staying with us at the moment. We are having lots of fun. This morning we went to Queens Park where the ducks live. We took some bread for them to eat. They are very hungry ducks and steal the bread from out of your hands. We all thought they were really cool, although Nana doesn't like it when they eat the bread next to her toes!
After we fed the ducks we went to the playground to go on my favourite swings and things. Yah! My Nana and Grandad spoil me, they took me on the playground toys and we even had some yummy snacks at the park kiosk..
They also bought me these pretty new clothes that I am wearing and lots of other little treats.
It is so lovely to have them to stay. I have showed them my room and all my favourite babies. Nana and I like to look after my babies and make sure they've had their dinner and their sleep.


Bradley and Jack said...

wow...Katie you look like you are having so much fun...and nana and grandad are too!! I think you look lovely in your new clothes and pig tails!! I have been pointing out nana and grandad on the screen. Enjoy the rest of your holiday everybody!!

Anonymous said...

You do look so grown up in your new clothes ans pigtails Kate. What a lovely times you are having. I am looking forward to meeting your new baby Margie. Has she got pigtails too? Love Grandma