Friday, June 08, 2007


One of my very favourite things to do is to chuckle! Mum and Dad say I look a bit like my cousin Bradley when he was this age. I am going to Taranaki tomorrow, so I will be able to check Bradley out. I met him when I was six weeks old - he was very good to me. Kate and I are very excited about seeng him again. Kate has been telling me we are going "Nana plane rorow (tomorrow)" all day. Hooray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate and Bradley, have lots of fun in Hawera and it will be a bit warmer than we are down south. On Tuesday we leave for our holiday too. You two are getting all grown up so fast and Bradley is going to love having you up there to play with. Great Nana is excited that she is going to see you.
Lots of love to everyone.