Monday, June 04, 2007


I am 3 months old now. My Great Uncle John, Great Aunty Susan and their family sent me this cool 'big boys' oufit. I have been practising all my new tricks in it - Sucking on my fists and fingers, catching the toys that swing above me on the play gym and pushing myself upward using my feet. I am having so much fun!


Devery said...

We can't wait to see you! You are such a big boy.
Paula, Mat and Jessica

Anonymous said...

You are lookin very handsome Sam in your new outfit. My word you are clever to be able to make the toys move . I know that you have been practising pushing up with your legs in the bath so now you can do it on dry land too. What a clever boy.
Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

You are soo cute sam and your sister looks great in pig tails!!! Your mummy is very cleaver keeping your blog up to date as well for you both
love samantha belle xxx

Anonymous said...

wow sam you are a big boy arnt you and dosnt your big sister look loveley helping her grandma with the broom cant wait for you all to come and stay with us in hawera next week
love nana and grandad