Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today was very very windy. We had to stay inside for most of the day, so I took Sam and all my babies for rides in the bus.
When Sam was ready to get out of the bus, he had a turn in his walker. He is very clever in it now and can walk forward and turn corners and everything.
I drove the bus all day, except when Mum finally let us go outside to feed the cows. Although Baby Lamb and I just about got blown away, it was still fun.
This evening, when the wind had finally died down a bit, Baby Lamb and I were able to play outside for a little while. Baby Lamb likes balloons just like i do. What a great day!

Monday, October 22, 2007


And everywhere that Kate went,
Baby Lamb was sure to go...

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is the house that Daddy and Uncle Andrew built for "Baby namb" (that's what I have been calling her all day). It is great fun. "Baby namb" and I have been on some great adventures today. She follows me wherever I go - out to get the washing with Mum, over to check on the other sheep, around and around the house, and in and out of the play house. I go to see Baby whenever I can, and I call to her - "come on Baby namb - come and see..." She is my friend. I giver her cuddles and kisses too. Sam thinks she is lovely too but Jessie is not so sure about all the noise she makes "Baaaaa".

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Yesterday a new baby lamb came to live with us for a while. It is sooo exciting. Her name is Barbie. Mum and Sam and I had to go to RD 1 and get some special things for her. I asked the lady behind the counter for some "milk, bottle for baby namb". We made a special bed for Barbie to sleep in, in our garage until she is bigger and the weather is better. I am helping Mum to feed Barbie and I go and visit her lots to give her cuddles. I even took Aunty Catherine and Uncle Andrew out to visit Barbie as soon as they arrived at our place today. Aunty Catherine loves baby lambs too.


Last weekend Great Aunty Margy and Great Uncle John came to visit us. They bought me a new baby. We called her Chrissy. She is a ballerina baby and I love her a lot. Chrissy's favourite game is to go sliding. She can slide next to me and she can slide all by herself. They brought a really cool car for Sam too. We both have turns with that. Thanks Great Aunty Margy and Great Uncle John. I loved playing with you and showing you my house and my room. xxx

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today it was raining and blowing and cold. We had to stay inside all day. But we had so much fun. Mummy and Kate read a story to me about Spot and his adventures in a tent. So then Mummy and Kate made a tent too. Kate and I thought it was fantastic and we read lots more stories inside it.
Kate thought the tent would make a much better climbing frame though and kept climbing on the top of it. So, then Mum decided to make our tent into a slide instead. This is the best game!! we bth love it. Kate has learnt to go down on her bottom, on her tummy head first and then feet first. Mummy still has to hold my hands but I smile all the way to the bottom.
I watch everything Kate does very carefully so i'll be able to do all these things by myself very soon.
We also did some measuring for Nana, who is sewing me my very own Casey's.
It has been a very, very good day.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Things to do!Places to go!

My new favourite game is to take Dad into "Nana's room" and hop in the bed. I bring all my favourite toys and books to play with and read with Dad. It is a very busy game.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I can do lots of clever things now. I can sit up, eat all sorts of yummy foods, roll over, jump, pick things up, read books, smile, laugh... and pull my socks off. If you look really closely I have even started to grow a little bit of hair! My Dad says that hair is over rated anyway and My Uncle Andrew says that I put all of my energy into growing up big and strong and that I don't have any to spare to grow my hair. It all sounds good to me.