Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today was very very windy. We had to stay inside for most of the day, so I took Sam and all my babies for rides in the bus.
When Sam was ready to get out of the bus, he had a turn in his walker. He is very clever in it now and can walk forward and turn corners and everything.
I drove the bus all day, except when Mum finally let us go outside to feed the cows. Although Baby Lamb and I just about got blown away, it was still fun.
This evening, when the wind had finally died down a bit, Baby Lamb and I were able to play outside for a little while. Baby Lamb likes balloons just like i do. What a great day!


Anonymous said...

Wow a bus!!!!! Sam looks as if he is liking his ride and Kate looks like a real driver (except for the baby of course). You will have to get car seats! Thank goodness the wind died down so you could play outside with baby lamb. I plasyed golf in the wind today and it tried to blow me over as well. Sam is getting very clever in his walker. It looks as if his hair is growing as well. Looking bforward to seeing you soon.
Love Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate and Sam
With all that wind and cold it looks as tho it's time to get Dad to dust off the wallet and come and see your rellies in Sydney. I'm not sure if Baby Lamb could come though - the nasty customs people may want to keep her, but I'm sure uncle Andrew would look after her. If dad can't manage that we look forqard to seeing you all in Tauranga soon. I think baby lamb will be a hit at uncle Hamish's wedding - some mint sauce and garlic would be a great help too.
The Sydney Coles's

Devery said...

Wow! You lead very busy lives down in the deep dark south! Lambs and houses and buses and slides and it goes on and on.
Glad to see you are having fun down there. You are so lucky to have such a resourceful mother.