Monday, October 01, 2007


I can do lots of clever things now. I can sit up, eat all sorts of yummy foods, roll over, jump, pick things up, read books, smile, laugh... and pull my socks off. If you look really closely I have even started to grow a little bit of hair! My Dad says that hair is over rated anyway and My Uncle Andrew says that I put all of my energy into growing up big and strong and that I don't have any to spare to grow my hair. It all sounds good to me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sam you must be the happiest wee 7 month old boy ever.
Love to you and Katie and your Mum and Dad.

Anonymous said...

You certainly are a clever boy Sam and such a happy chap too. I miss you and Katie every day. It is lovely to hear you voices on the telephone sometimes! Don't worry nabout the hairn . It will come as will the teeth- I know, I am you father's mother!!!
Love Grandma

Bradley and Jack said...

you are beautiful Sammy! What lovel photos!!


Devery said...

Wow Sam - you are really growing up now.
Give your mum a cuddle from us.