Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Kate

Kate had a very exciting, very happy 6 year old birthday, She had lots of lovely presents from lots of lovely people to open in the morning, a yummy birthday afternoon tea with a pink love heart cake ("Wow. Thats exactly what i wanted mummy!") and a school production to perform in that night.

"Thanks for my new lamp Nana and Grandad. I hope you like how I decorated it. I love it."
Kate also got a camera, which she loves. She is very good at sharing it though an everybody has had a turn. This picture was taken by Sam of a 6year old Super spy girl.

The school production was called 'Moving On'. Kate's class did a segment in it called the transport zone. They were all sorts of vehicles. Kate was a speedy, smiley wee car.

Flynn is 8 weeks old. He still loves to talk to that other baby in the mirror.

Flynn's best friend and biggest fan is Lachie.

Lachie, Flynn and Mum spend a lot of time in the car dropping off and picking up Kate and Sam.

Lachie helps us get ready to go out.

Flynn has already grown so much.

Flynn has started to giggle. Kate is especially good at getting some wee chuckles out of him.

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