Wednesday, April 19, 2006


We got back from Nana and Grandads just in time for Easter. Mum and Dad say I have got very wiggly and im not quite as easy to take to church - there is just so much to explore these days.

On Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny came. I love easter bunny eggs. Dad says I get my sweet tooth from my Uncle Hamish but Mum thinks she might have something to do with it. I hope the Easter Bunny visited Uncle Hamish too.

Then Grandma came to stay with us. She bought me another easter egg from Great Gran and Great Sid. I ate it with my Dad. Eating Easter Eggs is a very serious business. I got it everywhere but it was really yummy!

We all had a lovely time with Grandma. She read me lots of stories, took me for walks and played with my toys. Grandma is cool!


Bradley and Jack said...

Wow...Mum just can't believe how grown you have got all in a matter of days!! It looked like you had heaps of fun with your Grandma Kate! And I liked it when you came to play at my house on Thursday too! It is pretty cool now you are moving round the place! Mum says I have to say sorry for being a wittle bit rough sometimes...I do know better...but sometimes I just get sooooo excited! Come and play again really soon! You loved my new swing....has your Daddy got you one yet??

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, what a lovely Easter you have had. Your Great Nana told us today that she has some new photos of you and they are so beautiful, just like your Mum.
Love from M. J.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for having me to stay at your house , Kate and letting me play with your toys.We had lots of fun and I think you are so clever with your crawling , standing and sitting . I loved swimmimg with you too. I hope I can see you again soon.
Love Grandma