Thursday, April 06, 2006


Usually my Dad looks after me but today I am looking after him because he is sick. He needs me to help him with the remote control, and with his work phone and papers. I take good care of all these things and make sure i really check them all out well. In between these jobs I am practising my crawling and taking care of my own phone. Busy, busy, busy!
Now, if I could just figure out what to do - after I get onto my hands and knees...


Bradley and Jack said...

Yeah for Katie. That sounds like fun! Sometimes Dads do need looking after! Sometimes I read my Dad a story and sit on his knee to watch abit of TV and yes I look after the remotes too (cool fun a?)!

You look cool on your knees....when you come over today I will show you what to do cos it would be real neat to have a running budy!! But you will have to show me what you do at the pool cos Mum said you have learnt some neat tricks in the water and I havent been swimming for ages!

I hope you Dad is feeling better! We will see you this afternoon when my Mum picks me up from Daycare - I have told her to come and get me early and she said she would do her best to get me by 3.45 then we would be home at 4.00. See you then. xxx

(Ps: keep practising the kneeling stuff!! You can do it!! And think of the fun you will can chase the puss puss and race Dad up the hall way and so much more!)

Devery said...

kate you are very clever! I'm very sad that we are not visiting you :(