Wednesday, May 17, 2006

MY GREAT GRAN 1914 - 2006

This is my Great Gran with me at Great Sid's 90th birthday party in February 2006.

On Saturday we went to say goodbye to my Great Gran at her funeral in Hastings. Lots of my family were there which was really neat. When we were at the church I chatted away and told Great Gran all about the lovely things that we've all been up too. Then Great Uncle Brian and my Dad went up the front and told stories about Great Gran to us all. Dad says he'll tell me all of these stories again and lots of more as I get bigger, so i'll always know all about my Great Gran. When Dad was up the front I waved to him with both hands so that he would be very brave!

Great Gran was 91 years old. Mum says that is a wonderful old age to live to but I don't really think its that old - after all i'm already 10 months myself! I first met her when I was just 3 weeks old. Mum and Dad took me to Hastings to meet Great Gran and Great Sid at their home. It was very exciting. My Great Gran gave me lots of cuddles and fed me my bottle. Mum says she was a bit of an expert at these things as she'd had lots of practise. After our first visit I saw her lots, both in Hastings and at Grandma's in Palmerston North. Mum tells me that Great Gran loved to watch me do all my new tricks and that she loved me a lot - just like she loved all of her family.

I know my Great Gran was a very special lady because lots and lots of people loved her and were sad to say goodbye. I am so lucky I got to meet her and give her cuddles.


Devery said...

Kate you have a wonderful mum who has a lovely way with words.
This is a lovely tribute Linda.

Love you
Paula and Jessie

Anonymous said...

It was great that you were there and cheered us all up with your smiles and chatter. I'm sure you will be as good at telling stories as great gran was.
Great Uncle (Jnr) John

Bradley and Jack said...

That is a lovely story Kate! I liked reading about your Great Gran! She sure did look like a neat, smiley "Great Gran" to have!! I think you were very clever and brave too, being such a good girl at the funeral....I have not been to one of those awful things yet! Love your picture - don't know who had the biggest grin that day???

xxxxBraddles!! ( Your big cuzzie!!!)

Anonymous said...

Dear Kate,This is a lovely tribute to my Mum and your Great Gran. She did love you so and just loved to watch you and hear news of you. I miss her every day but because we are all her family (and my family and your family) she is really here amongst us - in the things we do and how we live our lives and how much we love each other.
Thank you for being there with us on the day of the funeral. You helped us so much. And thank you to your Mum and Dad too for all of their help, love and support.
Love always, Grandma