Monday, October 09, 2006


Grandma has been to visit us in our new house. She is wonderful. We read stories together, played with all the toys and got up to all sorts of mischief together. She was a big help for my Mum too because while she was here Mum was able to get rid of lots of the big boxes that were everywhere.

While she was staying we all went to Bluff to check it out. The best part of the day was sharing Grandma's snow freeze and going down the slides!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate
It's a while since I caught up with your doings. Great to see you are settled in Invercargill with Dad and have a nice big house to live in. Love the rainbow and am very impressed you,ve had sunshine - you mest have brougght it with you from the North Island as I've never heard of the sun shining in Invercargill before. Perhaps they'll make Dad the mayor in honour of him bringing you to town. Glad to see Grandma had a good visit. You were a mlong way from anywhere at the Bluff judging by those signs. Both my babies are at home now and we are pleased to see them. Hope to catch up soon.

The Sydney Coles's