Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Yesterday was Mummy's birthday and we had a lovely day. In the morning I bought Mummy some suprises into her bed. I had a card that I wrote in just for her and a wee presey for us to open. Then we opened up lots of other cards and presents too. We made the biggest mess but had the most fun! Daddy and I took Mummy out for lunch too. Then after dinner I helped Mummy to blow out the candles on her birthday cake. Although, I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet, so mostly I just watched. It was a pretty exciting game though. Bradley is going to teach me how to do it properly at Nana's birthday which isn't very far away. Yah!! We all had a lovely day. Mummy says that everyone was very kind to her and that she was very spoilt. Lucky old Mummy.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Today we all put up the christmas tree. It was great fun. There were so many christmas goodies in the box to look at and then hang on the tree. There was a santa hat to try on too. Even Jessie wanted a turn with that.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Grandma gave me the coolest present for christmas!!! I got this special cot for my babies and they love their new bed. I'm going to be in Taranaki and Palmerston North for christmas so Grandma got the cot sent to me down here. I am very lucky because it came very early and I was allowed to have it because we will be away for so long. I love putting my babies to bed and getting them up again, and hopping in with them, and hopping out again, and taking out all the blankets and putting them back in again... you can tell from my cheeky grin just how much fun it all is. In the bottom picture I am pointing to Santa because soon it will be Christmas time. Thank you Grandma - we can't wait to see you again soon. xxx

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Today my Great Aunty Margie and Great Uncle John drove all the way from Dunedin to see us all. We had a lovely visit all together. They bought me a beautiful new dolly with lovely hair which Mummy is teaching me how to do - just like she does mine. We're calling the new little lady 'Margie'. We spent some of the afternoon playing on the deck together. It was fun. Thank you for visiting us Great Aunty Margie and Great Uncle John xxx

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Nana and Grandad are staying with us at the moment. We are having lots of fun. This morning we went to Queens Park where the ducks live. We took some bread for them to eat. They are very hungry ducks and steal the bread from out of your hands. We all thought they were really cool, although Nana doesn't like it when they eat the bread next to her toes!
After we fed the ducks we went to the playground to go on my favourite swings and things. Yah! My Nana and Grandad spoil me, they took me on the playground toys and we even had some yummy snacks at the park kiosk..
They also bought me these pretty new clothes that I am wearing and lots of other little treats.
It is so lovely to have them to stay. I have showed them my room and all my favourite babies. Nana and I like to look after my babies and make sure they've had their dinner and their sleep.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


MacKenzie and her Mum have been staying with us. MacKenzie is 4 months old and I think she is just the best "Bubba" in the world. I bring her all my books and toys and rattles to play with and I love to give her hugs. I am trying very hard to be gentle because she is only little. We are having so many adventures together. I am teaching her lots of tricks too, because now she can blow little raspberries - hee hee! I watch all of the things that MacKenzie and her Mum do together and I can do lots of those things with my babies too. Sometimes, I like to pretend to be a baby too and lie on the play mat after MacKenzie has had a turn. Being little is lovely but its good to be big too because then you can tickle MacKenzie's toes in the bath...
We both like to splash and talk and sing in the bath - MacKenzie is a real little chatter box.
Since they have been staying we have been to feed the ducks (although the ducks had to share the bread with me) and to the playground, where MacKenzie had her first ever swing. She thought swinging was fantastic! It sure is!

I love the slide too and I can go down it sitting up now. Mum finally got brave enough to let me try! I used to lie on my back or go with Mum or Dad. It is cool.
Yup, we sure are doing a good job at keeping our Mum's out of mischief!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


These days I like to take friends with me wherever I go. Big Baby and Little Baby especially like to come for a ride on my bike with me. We have lots of fun getting on and off and zooming along.


On the weekend we all got a letter from my Great Nana. She said she'd had some visits from Bradley and she wanted to know if I had little gumboots like he does. Bradley is very, very proud of his gumboots. Well, here I am having kicks with the ball in my gummys. I have very little feet and even the very smallest gumboots were too big for a long time but I have been growing and now I fit into these gumboots which my Nana and Grandad got me a long time ago. Gumboots are cool. I ask my Mum to get them for me when I want to go outside. Sometimes after work, Dad will come outside with me and show me how to kick the ball. Yah!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Today Mum and I went to Dorothy the Dinosaur's Dance Party. "Wow!" It was really cool. I got all dressed up in my special dress that Nana bought for me and we went to this big big building with lots and lots and lots of other kids. There was so much to look at. Then Dorothy the Dinosaur and all her friends came out onto the stage. I waved and waved to them. They danced to all the songs from the Wiggles that I know. At first I just sat on mum's knee and watched but by the end I was brave enough to stand up on her knee and do some wiggling too. I said "wow" lots of times. Mum and I both had lots of fun.

I missed my baby though, so when I got home I gave her big cuddles and we watched a bit of the wiggles on TV together while we had some lunch. I am a lucky lady. It's been such an amazing day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Pooh Bear is my favourite friend. He sleeps with me and I carry him all around the house with me. I even take him in the car when I can sneak him in. Dad reads him and I stories at night time. we love books. Pooh gets very hungry and thirsty, so I give him something to drink and eat. But most of all I give hime lots and lots of cuddles.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Grandma has been to visit us in our new house. She is wonderful. We read stories together, played with all the toys and got up to all sorts of mischief together. She was a big help for my Mum too because while she was here Mum was able to get rid of lots of the big boxes that were everywhere.

While she was staying we all went to Bluff to check it out. The best part of the day was sharing Grandma's snow freeze and going down the slides!


We have moved into a new house now. It is very cool because it has lots more room than a motel AND when I got here I discovered all of my favourite toys again. We have had lots of sunshine since we have been here, so I have been playing out the backyard too. I especially like to appear from behind the washing to suprise Mum.

This is my new room. It has a big rainbow on the wall which I think is pretty special. I have got my own cot to sleep in now and all of my own pictures on the wall. I like to have all my special friends in bed with me when I sleep too. Sometimes there isn't much room left for me. Nana says my Mum was just like this too.

There is a big ranch slider at the end of the kitchen so that I can ride my bike inside and outside. Fun!


Mum and I are now in Invercargill with Dad. There are lots of places to visit from here so on Saturday we went to Riverton to check it out. It was great fun. I shared a hot chocolate with Mum and got it everywhere but my favourite part of the trip was collecting shells and running into the water. Dad showed me the shells in the sand and then I got very busy finding them all and bringing them to Mum and Dad. Dad also got to spend lots of time running after me before I got all wet in the waves. The waves are heaps of fun.

When Mum and Dad said I was finished in the sand I had a swing with Dad and a slide with Mum. Yah! We had a lovely day.


Nana and Mum took me to feed the ducks for the first time. Grandad spotted us there and stopped to visit too. The ducks weren't very hungry though - Nana says that in the winter time the park people feed them. I thought they were really cool and very lucky because I SO wanted to swim in the water with them. One of the ducks even had lots of gorgeous little babies.

When we were finished we went to play on the playground. I love going on the swings and down the slide. I must take after my Nana because she likes to go on all the rides like this too.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Grandad works at RD1 and this is his RD1 hat. He gave me a little turn with it. I thought it was very cool and wore it round the house to show Mum and Nana. It is a pretty neat hat!


Yesterday my Grandma came to see me in Hawera. I remembered her from Monday and we had a lovely day together. Grandma played in the little house with me and I helped her blow out her birthday candles when it was time to have birthday cake. I showed her all the things I have learnt how to do and kept her very busy with all the toys. Grandma even had a dance to the Wiggles with me - What fun! I will see Grandma again soon because she is coming to visit us in Invercargill at the end of September. Yah! Mum says we might even have a house to live in by then?!

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Before I go to bed at night, Nana and I tuck Dolly into bed too. Dolly is a very good sleeper but she doesn't like to sleep for long, so I have to get her up often. I don't like to sleep for too long either - Dolly and I think there is just too much to do when you're up.


Grandad has been teaching me how to ride a horse. It is great fun. I have to hold on with two hands tight and put my feet in a special place. This horse is a little bit too big for me yet but I am trying hard and Grandad helps me out. Grandad has got a big speedy horse called Bravara. Maybe when I am a big girl I will be able to ride speedy horses in races like Bravara goes in. But in the mean time I can still have fun on this horse right here in Nana and Grandad's lounge.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Mum and Jessie and I are living with Nana and Grandad in Hawera for a little while. Daddy is at work in Invercargill, our house in Rotorua has been sold and we don't have a place to live in Invercargill just yet, so we have all come to stay. It has been so much fun and we've all had lots of adventures.

Jessie has been a very good girl and got used to things really quickly. I have been looking after her and giving her lots of love. Nana and Grandad love her too. She is very spoilt here, just like I am.

Mum and I have also been to see Grandma in Palmerston North. That was lots of fun. Grandma and I played with the toys together and read some stories too. She made us a yummy, yummy lunch too. We are going to see Grandma again on Saturday because she is going to come and visit us in Taranaki. It is her birthday today (Friday) and we are going to have a birthday lunch together. Yah!! Happy Birthday Grandma! xxx

Nana and Grandad have got this really cool playhouse at their place. It has a door that opens and closes and windows that open and close too. It is SO much fun. Grandad has got me a play house just like this from his work and it will be waiting for me in Invercargill when I get there. Wow! I am very lucky.

They have also got a cot with a little baby in it. Nana helps me put baby to bed and get her up again. And if I am very sneaky i can climb up into the cot too and sit in it like a couch. Nana is my bestest friend. I like to walk over to her and have cuddles or play with the toys. She even taught me how to do some counting and how to say Bradley. I didn't really know about Grandad when I first saw him again but now I am his friend too. We have been building with the blocks together and playing lots of games of 'boo', which is my absolute favourite.

Friday, August 18, 2006


For the last few weeks mum has been trying really hard to take some pictures of me walking to show you all but she is far too slow and these are the best she has come up with so far. Two and a half weeks ago I got off my friend's bike and walked across the room to mum! We were both very suprised. When I fell down onto my bum I clapped to celebrate. Now i'm doing little bits of walking each day but I still prefer to crawl as it is much faster and safer.

Dad is down in Invercargill during the week now so Mum and I really look forward to seeing him on the weekends. I love to play "where's katie - Boo" with him and he takes me zooming in the wagon, which is so much fun.

I also love to hop into things these days - like the computer case, the washing basket the basket in the bottom of the basinet... Anything will do.

And of course I love my babies. This baby rides with me on my bike wherever I go.